Blue Friday Initiative Continues for 2024-25 School Year
The School District of Washington, St. Francis Borgia High School, Washington Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Washington, Inc., and the City of Washington are thrilled to continue our "Blue Friday" campaign, a community initiative aimed at fostering support and pride for our local students and schools.
"Blue Friday" is a joint effort to promote unity and demonstrate unwavering support for the educational institutions that shape the future of our community. Starting August 23, we encourage all residents, businesses, students, parents, and community members to don the color blue every Friday as a symbol of our collective commitment to our community’s young minds and their academic and extracurricular success.
The School District of Washington and St. Francis Borgia High School are committed to providing exceptional learning experiences for students at all levels. Through "Blue Friday”, we hope to create a strong sense of community and encourage a positive school spirit that resonates throughout the community.
This initiative embodies the idea that education is a collaborative endeavor where students, teachers, parents, and the wider community all play essential roles. By wearing blue every Friday, we show our young learners that we are steadfast in our support for their aspirations, achievements, and dreams regardless of the institution they attend.
Parents, teachers, and community members can help spread the word about "Blue Friday" through social media using the hashtag #BlueFridayWashMO, sharing stories of how education has impacted their lives, and photos of themselves donning blue attire each Friday.
We invite all members of the community to join us in making "Blue Friday" a resounding success. Together, let us celebrate and uplift our Washington students, demonstrating that we stand behind them every step of the way.