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Mission, Vision and Beliefs


We are Washington. We care. We contribute. We LEARN.


Our Mission is to inspire achievement, character, and personal growth in all students as they pursue and succeed in college, careers, and life.


The School District of Washington will provide an inspiring educational environment by means of challenging, relevant, and purposeful learning experiences designed to prepare students for their future. We are committed to an engaged and customized approach to education. We encourage innovation and creativity developed to help our students explore their purpose and passion as they acquire the skills and attributes necessary to be college and career-ready.

We will do this within a culture of collaboration that fosters understanding, acceptance, and mutual respect while remaining focused on student achievement, staff development, and the well-being of our students as they grow, mature, and learn.


Strategic Plan Focus Areas 2023-27

Click here for the School District of Washington Strategic Plan 2023-2