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Challenge Home

The School District of Washington, in conjunction with the State of Missouri, recognizes the unique needs of the gifted learner. It is the philosophy of the District that students have opportunities to learn and develop to his or her full potential.

The School District of Washington follows guidelines for gifted identification and programming required by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Our gifted programs are reviewed and approved at the state level annually.

Additional information can be found at Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and throughout our website.

Download the Challenge Program guide. The purpose of this guide is to assist parents, guardians, patrons and district personnel with understanding our Challenge Program. This program is designed to be intervention-based in order to expand the student's knowledge above and beyond the general curriculum.

Challenge Program Contacts

Director of Special Services

Rachael Wilcox, Gifted Coordinator

Tracy Allen, Gifted Education Administrative Assistant

Tracy Helm, Gifted Education Psychological Examiner

Michelle Bobo, Gifted Education Educator K-6

Angel Young, Gifted Education Educator 7-8

Rachael Franssen, Assistant Superintendent

The K-6 program is located at South Point Elementary School.
Grades seven and eight are at Washington Middle School 636-231-2300.
Referral inquiries can be directed to Teana Leslie or Tracy Helm via email or by calling Mrs. Leslie at the Board of Education Office 636-231-2830.

Other inquiries can be directed to Rachael Franssen either via email or by calling the Board of Education Office 636-231-2000.