SDOW Staff Closing Ceremony
The closing ceremony for School District of Washington staff was held Wednesday morning, May 22, in the CJB Theater at Washington High School.
The ceremony marked the end of the 2023-24 school year and celebrated accomplishments, presented service awards, technology recognition, recognized and thanked retirees, announced staff scholarships, and announced WINGS awards.
Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Kephart and Board of Education President Dan Leslie addressed the staff. Kephart gave opening remarks, spoke on the district’s strategic plan, and gave closing remarks.
Brad Mitchell spoke on behalf of WINGS.
Announcing honors and service awards were SDOW Assistant Superintendents Dr. Rachael Franssen, John McColloch and Maranda Anderson.
Warren Branch, custodian at Campbellton Elementary, was named SDOW and WINGS Support Staff Person of the Year. Clearview Elementary first-grade teacher Keli Schneider was named SDOW and WINGS Teacher of the Year in April and was recognized.
Receiving the Dr. Jane and Doug Reed Scholarship for $2,000 apiece were Washington West Elementary second-grade teacher Molly Harty (certified staff) and Washington High School alternative education paraprofessional Payton Sansom (support staff). This is the 12th year the Reeds have awarded the scholarships.
The top selling school of the WINGS discount cards, per student, was Campbellton Elementary.
Retiring staff members recognized were Beth Beerman, Karen Conduitt, Julie Bell, Sabrina Light, Paula Mueller, Robin Vlasak, Robin Mayer, Teana Leslie, Cindy DeLargy, Beth Smith, Brett Hoch, Theresa McGowan, Tim Branson, Ann Orf, Karen Sickmann, Aimee Harty, Rita Manzotti, Tina White, Bill Lochmoeller and Stephanie Young.
Honored for 30 years of service was Glen Bade.
Honored for 25 years of service were Gloria Bauermeister, Michelle Bobo, Bill Deckelman, Brett Hoch, Scott Paulsen, Molly Soete-Figas and Cynthia Stroeher.
Honored for 20 years of service were Lois Barton, Dan Brinkmann, Amy Gruber, Mike Jinkerson, Philip King, Mary Knight, Debra Kuchem, Darrick Luko, Melissa Meza, Amy O’Hanlon, Jennifer Pecka, Jill Schuster-Blumenberg, Alison Snider and Kenny Sullentrup.
Honored for 15 years of service were Lloyd Kassebaum, Laura Riegel and Nanci Simmons.
Honored for 10 years of service were Kaylin Bade, Jamie Banze, Minna Belko, Kimberly Bratton, Ryan Brennan, Dana Brinker, Sarah Burgess, Matt Busekrus, Robyn Busekrus, Amanda Byrne, Allison Chaney, Amanda Eckelkamp, Jamyn Eckelkamp, Brian Edler, Cinthia Edler, Makenzie Ellis, Alicia Feldmann, Jodi Fortner, Mandy Frick, Lisa Gansmann, Ben Hoemann, Kerry Holtmeier, Katelyn Huber, Jennifer Jackson, Tiffany Jarvis, Hanah Klekamp, Ryan Leatherman, Michelle Linhardt, Kayla Maher, Iesha Maloney, Lisa McCleave, Jason Niccum, Michelle Rice, Lori Ruether, Jason Sawicki, Ashley Smith and Julia Young.
Staff who participated in the Teaching With Technology Leadership Academy who received honors during the school year also were recognized.
Professional Level (Year 1) were Diane Burke, Allison Chaney, Abbigail Howell, Hollie Martin, Jennifer Scheer, Danielle Snider, Ryan Snider, Katie Kluesner, Lindsay Obermark, Nichole Obermark, Manuela Schnider-Schmitt, Hannah Smith, Amber Sperry, Rachel Wehmeyer and Becky Zanin.
Specialist Level (Year 2) were Danielle Berges, Lee Engemann, Lorna Griffen, Molly Hanify, Jennifer Powers and Christa Schwoeppe.
Master Level (Year 3) were Iesha Maloney, Ashley Smith and Amber Strickland.
First-year teachers in the district recognized were Keli Feldmann, Kelly Gibson, Matt Klein, Monica Artinger, Emily Bounds, Nathan Hernandez, Kimberly Chasteen, Sybil Grannemann, Nathan Cabot, Madysen Hahn, Adrienne Warren, Catie Monzyk, Vanessa Hallums, Parker Smith, Makenzie Ellis, Robyn Harmon, Peyton Sawyers, Monica Moore, Daniel Bickert, Jennifer Jackson, Sophia Orozco, Taylor Holtmeyer, Tayler Desmond, Skylar Thompson, Danielle Rusin, Brittany Jasper, Elizabeth Holtmeyer, Beth Hellebusch, Darcie Rogala, Jessica Gildehaus, Toni Brown, Bryce Monroig, Andrea See and Katie Kluesner.