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School Resource Officers

School Resource Officer Program

In cooperation with the School District of Washington, the Washington Police Department implemented a School Resource Officer (SRO) program during the 1999-2000 school year. The program was made possible by the COPS in Schools grant program through the U.S. Department of Justice.

Currently, the Washington Police Department provides three full-time SROs - one at Washington Middle School, one at Washington High School, and one for the elementary schools. The officers are also available to assist with incidents at district schools within the Washington city limits.


Program Goals

  • Create and maintain a safe, secure, and orderly learning environment for students and staff
  • Establish an open channel of communication with students, parents, and staff
  • Bridge the gap between the police and young people and increase positive attitudes toward law enforcement officials
  • Teach the values of our legal system
  • Promote respect for people and property
  • Reduce juvenile crime by helping students formulate an awareness of roles, authority and justice
  • Allow students access to the legal system
  • Give students a realistic picture of our laws and legal system so they will have an investment in supporting and improving it
  • Teach students how to avoid becoming a victim through self-awareness and crime prevention
  • Take a personal interest in students and their activities


School Resource Officers

Matt Cooper (636) 231-2300 Washington Middle School
Greg Garrett (636) 231-2200 ex.9890 Washington High School
Nolan Crawford (636) 231-2550 Elementary
Camilla Cooke (636) 231-2400 Augusta Elementary